Peter and I have been discussing moving back to NC for the past 2 years. Although we have some great friends here, an awesome church, and perfect weather all year long we haven't been set on staying in the Bay Area. Housing prices (average 3 bedroom home is $1.1 million), low rated schools (Public schools in San Jose average 5 points out of 10), awful rush hour traffic (12 miles on 101 takes at least 50 minutes after 4pm), crazy high taxes (+10% to NC +20% to FL), and very self-involved citizens have made us not want to put down deep roots in the Bay Area. This is a very transient area so people plan on only being here 2-5 years and seem to not be very open to building deep relationships while here. It has taken me 3 solid years to build some strong relationships with a handful of women. Of course after we were set on moving I was finally able to really make a strong community and build my "tribe" of women.
OK so back to the house. So we decided to take a look at some homes this past winter. Peter took a job at Cisco 1.5 years ago and back in December he spoke to his boss about transferring to the Cary office. His boss had no issues with it so we decided to see what was on the market. We looked at several homes for sale but were blown away by a new development, Fryar's Gate, in Cary. We happened to look at the model on the exact day a lot opened up and were told we had about 12 hours to make a final decision or we would lose it. We loved the builder, loved the floor plan and it was in the perfect location; 8 minutes from Peter's work, 20 minutes from my parents, 20 minutes from Sister and her family, and 40 minutes from my Brother and his new Wife. We prayed on it that night and really felt God was opening up a lot of doors and it was time to move back.
The house is 3/4 built right now and they are starting interior trim work, painting, and about to put in the floors! It should be ready mid-July for move in! We are so excited for this home and pray that God is present in every moment of our new life in NC. We pray our home can bless us and the people around us and it can be used to glorify Him.
Potty Training
I have never had a more time consuming and frustrating experience as my time potty training Ava. We have been trying since December to potty train Ava. We have had 4 rounds of potty training and just finally got it to stick a few weeks ago. Round 1 ended with Ava being terrified of the potty and crying any time she saw it come out of the bathroom closet. Round 2 was Ava holding her poop/pee with her iron bladder for 6 hours until it was nap or bed time and I put a diaper on. Round 3 started and ended pretty quickly when Ava said "I go tinkle in my diaper not on the potty! Ava wears diapers and Momma wears panties! No more panties! No more potty." At this point I was ready to give up until after we moved. I thought I would try one last thing and use her Sleeping Beauty dress as a reward. A few weeks after her exclamation of her hatred of the potty I told her she couldn't wear princess panties or her Sleeping Beauty dress unless she went tinkle on the potty. I told her Sleeping Beauty is a big girl and she goes tinkle on the potty so if you want to be like her and wear the dress you have to use the potty. A few days later she came up to me and said I want to wear princess panties and I want my Sleeping Beauty dress. I said ok Ava if you want those you have to go on the potty. She walked right over and went. Since that day she has been 100% potty trained (minus nap and overnight). She has only had 2 accidents in 4 weeks and wears princess panties every day... but only the Sleeping Beauty ones... don't even TRY to have her wear Frozen or Repunzel undies!
Early Walkers
Alice is walking at a spry 10 months of age. She has been trying to walk since she was 6 months old! She loves her big sister so much and just wants to be a BIG kid! She only plays with big girl toys, only wants to eat what Ava is eating, and drinks from big girl straw cup. So obviously she had to get walking down to keep up with her big Sis. She actually is an awesome walker and rarely falls. She understands steps and holding on to door frames when stepping outside. She can transfer surfaces well and can walk in any shoes without tripping. The only issue is Alice is ONLY 16lbs and 10 months old and needs constant supervision as she is into EVERYTHING and can get through the living room and up a flight of stairs in about 11 seconds! She is tiny but absolutely fearless. I know she is going to be my gymnast, my flyer cheerleader, my female rugby play, and child that ends up in the ER with broken bones and needing stitches frequently! My oh my Lord help us all!
So clearly just a few things have kept me from blogging. I can't believe we will be moving in 5 weeks back to NC! I am so excited but I am going to miss our friends here and I know Ava will ask every day about her BFF's Asher, Lucy and Sentiben. Luckily Peter will be back here every few months so I see some trips in our future. But for now See you later Cali!